Tavis Triance gets honest on A Brief Respite
“There’s more than one way to come at the title of Tavis Triance’s solo debut, A Brief Respite From the Terror of Dying, the singer quick to acknowledge this when he picks up the phone at home on the Sunshine Coast. Ask him a vague leading question like “Do you obsess about it?” and he’s quick with a response….”

“As if Spoon River and the Royal Mountain Band weren’t enough, British Columbia musician Tavis E. Triance’s latest reinvention finds himself attached to The Natural Way, a new band and concept that successfully showcases the artist’s dedication to emotionalism, poetry, songwriting craftsmanship, and tender longing (with the odd and endearing humorous aside.)…”

Five Questions With... Tavis E. Triance
“Tavis E. Triance has been one of the more intriguing figures in Canadian indie rock, ever since his days with Montreal’s Royal Mountain Band and Spoon River. His writing and performing style has been described as Dylan-meets-Randy Newman, while his tall, lanky frame and latter-day hippie image always seemed ideally suited for rock stardom...”